Sunday, November 3, 2013

Bootstrap Leadership Program

The purpose of the Bootstrap leadership development program is to develop leadership skills in all front line employees. Specifically:

  1. Identify and develop front-line leadership skills.
  2. Promote development or improvement of self-management skills.
  3. Promote self-confidence.
  4. Build computer and technology skills.
  5. Provide 1:1 mentoring experience.
  6. Apply basic project management skills.
  7. Develop basic teamwork skills to achieve a successful outcome of the service project.

This program includes in-person classroom instruction and online instruction.  Students will be exposed to accelerated learning in the classroom  that focuses on effective knowledge transfer; mentoring; and peer-to-peer collaboration. The online program consists of readings, online assessments, resource review, and group collaboration.

Time Expectations

To successfully complete this program, expect a minimum of 30 classroom hours and 10 hours of personal research time.
Course Content

Day 1            Hybrid
Introduction to Leadership Model & Self-Assessment

Day 2            Online
Identifying Leadership Attributes

Day 3    Online
Working with Technology

Day 4             In Person

Day 5              In Person
Leadership and Mentoring Connection.  Project Assignment

Click here to request a detailed course listing.

Requirements for Completion:
  1. Attendance at all in-person classes (100%)
  2. Completion of online Leadership assessment
  3. Engages in a one-to-one mentoring experience with mentor
  4. Submits a satisfactory service project

For Further Information Contact:    Quentin Wheeler:

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